Search & Advice in Technical Wholesale

By: Jeroen Heydendael (Plieger Groep) Stage 6 16:00 — 16:30


English session

The next step in B2B digital commerce is personalised search, advanced advice and ChatGPT like configurators. Without the expensive need of a human. Like it or not.

Jeroen will discuss current ways of product search on B2B webshops, including the challenges of huge amount of products and coming up with the right products and solutions for your clients. As search is the major conversion point and a client happiness killer, he’ll make a stand to give this more attention.

Also considering the current market demands more cost-effectiveness, he discusses how much this can be done without the typical B2B sales person.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain concrete insights that you can use today, and get a glimpse into the near future of search, product data and configurators.

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