Legends will never die

Now that digital can offer us near-perfect representations of humans, a new market for iconic personalities is developing fast. WXR helped resurrect James Dean with visual effects for a slate of feature films set to begin production later in the year. Worldwide XR, is a new type of media rights and content company that aims to bring digital humans to traditional film, gaming, music as well as augmented and virtual reality.

With the advancement of digital twins brings a new business model never imagined. Licensing digital human rights into storytelling and advertising campaigns has just begun. Taking 3D photorealistic avatars and generating new forms of monetization takes a clear business plan, diverse technological partnerships and business relations to achieve not only the creation, but success in distributing your 3D assets in the wild west of metaverse expansion. 

Working in conjunction with Florida International University and the iSTAR (Immersive Studio for Altered Reality) program in Miami, FL to create a state of the art lab and studio expanding these advancements in entertainment and education.

Futurist Travis Cloyd will present the state of the industry and his vision for future digital actors, and their relevance for the future of how we engage in content. 

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